
101 of the Best Programming Memes on the Internet

by Astha Sharma on 2020-06-19

We compiled this list of the best programming memes we found across the internet! Sit back, relax, enjoy, and share with friends or coworkers.

Each meme has been credited to where we found it, however the origin for some may be different. If you would like to correct any of the sources, please email us

  1. Which one are you?
  2. top panel is a man and women looking put together to represent people who use libraries. Bottom panel is two distraught people to present those who make libraries
    Source: r/ProgrammerHumor

  3. As long as things look pretty, we don't have to talk about the back...
  4. Frontend code being clean vs backend is messy
    Source: r/ProgrammerHumor

  5. Please don't
  6. tweet that says 'Am a developer, please dont ask me about Word, excel & all that nonsense... yes i can help but please dont' and the hand emoji
    Source: @caystard

  7. How I really learned how to code...
  8. 6 people are reaching to cut the cake. 5 of them touch it and they represent 'My friends','Stack overflow' 'pressening random buttons on my keboard' 'this subreddit' 'an Indian guy from YouTube' and the last hand isnt touching to represent school when learning how to code
    Source: r/ProgrammerHumor

  9. I've been guilty of this too
  10. tweet that says'Passengers: Why is this airplane wifi so slow? The engineer in Seat 22D: rm -rf node_modules && npm install'
    Source: @kvlly

  11. So simple!
  12. Text that says 'The UI is quite simple, client will easily figure it out' and then a picture of the client holding their finger when the app says 'hold your finger'
    Source: cometchat

  13. This is a sign that you don't need to clean up
  14. my program:*works perfectly* me:*cleans up the code* also my program: meme of penguin sitting with arms crossed saying 'well now I am not doing it'
    Source: @caystard

  15. Junior vs Senior Developer
  16. both backgrounds are of a fire and chaos. The junior developer is stressed out while the senior developer is relaxing in the middle of the chaos
    Source: r/ProgrammerHumor

  17. I was a different person two weeks ago
  18. Coming back to finish the code you started writing 2 weeks ago: picture of man with hand over mouth and his computer screen looks like hieroglyphics
    Source: r/ProgrammerHumor

  19. Well, at least Dad tried..
  20. text exchange of a dad telling his son he refered him for building a website. Son asks 'What? How big is the website?' dad replies 'normal screen size'
    Source: @_TommyMason

  21. My top google search is "how to allign image center css"
  22. top says HTML and has girl on the right. Bottom says HTML+CSS and has the girl in the middle because its hard to align

  23. At least he doesn't bite!
  24. Dog doesnt bite but says 'understanding the programming memes doesn't make you a dev'

  25. They only care about JS
  26. linkedin recruiter asks java developer 'Are you interested in a postion as a javascript developer?'
    Source: cometchat

  27. Same thing, right?!
  28. Read the documentation? No, copy stackoverflow answers
    Source: cometchat

  29. Best alarm is panic
  30. Person is sleeping and their brain thinks 'Didnt you have something important in your clipboard?' that causes them to wake up
    Source: cometchat

  31. I never really know, I just do
  32. man with hand over mouth having no idea why code works and why it doesnt work
    Source: cometchat

  33. The things that keep me up
  34. tweet that says 'He couldnt sleep for 2 days because he missed her. I couldn't sleep for 4 days because I missed a stupid semicolon in my code'
    Source: cometchat

  35. No one to blame but myself
  36. Meme of Fred Jones from Scooby Doo taking mask off another man that is himself. 'Lets see who made this idiotic program 1 year ago'
    Source: cometchat

  37. Or trying to go through your search history from weeks ago
  38. Me thinking about the keyword I searched in google that took me to the right stack overflow page
    Source: r/ProgrammerHumor

  39. Cute birdie wins
  40. Parrots and machine learning algorithm both: learn random phares, dont understand what they learn, occasionally speaks nonsense, but the parrot is a cute birdie
    Source: r/ProgrammerHumor

  41. It's more satsifying.. even if it wastes time
  42. When there's a task that can be done manually in 10 minutes but you find a way to automate it in 10 days. 'Im gonna do what's called a programmer move'
    Source: r/ProgrammerHumor

  43. How my mood can change from 0 to 100 real quick
  44. Top panel is distressed figure saying 'The world is a cruel and unjust place. THere is no harmony in the unvierse. The only constant is suffering' *minutes later* 'Oh i misspelled a variable'
    Source: r/ProgrammerHumor

  45. 7 Hours Later
  46. When it's been 7 hours and you still can't understand your own code
    Source: Testbytes

  47. The difference between those into tech vs. IN tech
  48. People into tech are put together vs people who make tech are a mess
    Source: r/ProgrammerHumor

  49. The typo is more important
  50. Code reviewers being scared of a typo in a comment but theres an obvious bug that will take down prod coming up
    Source: @sigsegmeme

  51. The difference is uncanny
  52. Left pannel is mickey mouse at Disney World and says Typescript type system and on the right it says Python type system and shows Mickey in a basement
    Source: @sigsegmeme

  53. When you finally find the asshole that invented timezones
  54. image of man going crazy and choking another man
    Source: @sigsegmeme

  55. Everyone needs a purpose
  56. npm's purpose is to instan yarn
    Source: @sigsegmeme

  57. Gotta catch it fast
  58. my program trying to load 0x000000 and the kernel rushing behind it
    Source: @sigsegmeme

  59. I have to go through the whole party without them knowing...
  60. meme of guy at party and says they dont know i have a github project with 4 stars
    Source: @sigsegmeme

  61. One day, just not today
  62. Older man saysing to his son one day you'll be a man. Son replying Dad I'm 32. Dad says But your developement workflow requires a mouse
    Source: @sigsegmeme

  63. How could they not tell me this...
  64. Boss didnt tell developer that the user specifications changed and he finished the project
    Source: DILBERT by Scott Adams

  65. Still life changing
  66. Girl saying 'thank you for changing my life' Vim has caption 'I'm literally just a text editor'
    Source: @sigsegmeme

  67. How it really looks
  68. JavaScript is an elphant, CSS is a penguin. Their combo is penguin with elephant head
    Source: Flatlogic

  69. Fullstack devs have themselves
  70. Frontend dev and backend dev meet in JSON. Fullstack developer shaking hand with itself
    Source: Flatlogic

  71. It gets stressful
  72. Baby saying Hold my beer, im going to learn a new javascript framework
    Source: Flatlogic

  73. Too much
  74. There are too many people, too much greed, too many problems, definetely too many javascript libraries
    Source: Flatlogic

  75. Just cleaning up my code
  76. When you clean up your code and all you are left with is Hello world
    Source: Flatlogic

  77. Vue >>
  78. Vue in the front with React, Angular, jQUery defeted
    Source: Flatlogic

  79. Need some consistency!
  80. Javascript is confusing ebcause 1 === 1, 1!==2
    Source: r/javascriptmemes

  81. Await, await, await
  82. Boss: could I see the asynchronous code that you wrote? Me (an intecllectual well versed in ES8):await,await,await
    Source: r/javascriptmemes

  83. Maybe they are the ones that need more experience
  84. I'm sorry, I dont think you have the expereince to work on our website. Meanwhile their website is a lot of errors
    Source: Ariana Milasincic

  85. C'mon JavaScript... always playing around
  86. Javascript array.sort() is a mess
    Source: Ariana Milasincic

  87. Suddenly I can't read
  88. Just because your langauge is widely used doesnt mean its any good. Bottom pannel:if those JS developers could read, theyd be very upset
    Source: Ariana Milasincic

  89. It really be like this
  90. in reality, a programmer googles how to do simple stuff all the time. While everyone else thinks they are high tech.
    Source: Ariana Milasincic

  91. Guilty
  92. Statrups looking at redis and saying 'is this a database?'
    Source: @sigsegmeme

  93. JavaScript summed up
  94. JS is confusing
    Source: freecodecamp

  95. Maybe that's why it takes me so long to code...
  96. Programmers think about things like what to eat or do instead of coding
    Source: DevHumor

  97. It can wait!
  98. The code is temp fixed until Monday
    Source: DevHumor

  99. Except when people read my code. It's completely easy to understand!
  100. Reading other people's code feels like going into a haunted house
    Source: DevHumor

  101. I really need to start doing this
  102. Programming pro tip: Code javascript underwater, so nobody could see you crying
    Source: DevHumor

  103. When they ask about the dress code
  104. Dress that has code on it
    Source: r/ProgrammerHumor

  105. Two brains are better than one. Right?
  106. Dilbert comic of boss saying pair programming is great but both of them are talking about harmonicas
    Source: DILBERT by Scott Adams

  107. Not the same
  108. Tweet that says 'You're in his DMs, but I'm in his private GitHub repositroy we are not the same.'
    Source: @tweevtran

  109. You would think getting paid would be more motivating
  110. Writing entire projects was fun but 10 lines of code for work has you laying down
    Source: r/ProgrammerHumor

  111. Start them young
  112. Top panel is book that says JS for babies. Bottom panel is Toby, Age 3 Alcoholic
    Source: r/ProgrammerHumor

  113. Beware of the devs
  114. Developers beating up testers
    Source: r/ProgrammerHumor

  115. The best tier list
  116. Tier list about asymmetric control terminology and S tier is Pimp/Ho, A is Dom/Sub, B is Scriptuer/Prophet, C is Boss/Consigliere, D is Controller/Controlled, E is Overlord/Minion, F is Master/Slave
    Source: r/ProgrammerHumor

  117. Easy they say...
  118. Surface level Python is Beginner Friendly but when it gets deeper you have Machine Learning, Aritfical intelligence, Maths, Data mining
    Source: r/PythonMemes

  119. Need to learn the language deeply
  120. Teacher: The best way to learn a langauge is to speak with  the natives. The guy learning Python:Charming an actual python snake
    Source: r/PythonMemes

  121. .py vs .js
  122. has a big strong Doge but debugging .js is doge sitting sayings 'proggy no worky'
    Source: r/PythonMemes

  123. Got to look at the positives!
  124. 'Your code is without a doubt the worst I have ever run' 'But it does run!'
    Source: Code It Bro

  125. It's just a space :(
  126. Pythin is the easier language to learn. No brackets, no main. But you get errors for witing an extra space.
    Source: Code It Bro

  127. And then you ctrl+z and mess up more code
  128. When you delete a block of code that you thought was useless but its cartoon cutting off branch of tree he is sitting on
    Source: Code It Bro

  129. Haha, gotta start somewhere though.
  130. joke about how HTML is not a programming langauge
    Source: Flatlogic

  131. Don't know where these bugs keep coming from
  132. Manger:So theres was 3 bugs before you started and 4 after you fixed one of them? Bottom panel: It's an oversimplification of events, but yes'
    Source: Naina Chaturvedi

  133. Back in MY day
  134. Dilbert comic of how back in my day there werent icons and wrote an entire database using only zeros. But at least there were 0s, Dilbert had to use the letter O
    Source: DILBERT by Scott Adams

  135. If you don't have a mechnical keyboard, are you really a programmer?
  136. Explosion, plane taking off, and mechincal keyboard are the loudest sounds ever
    Source: @sigsegmeme

  137. Oh. My. God.
  138. Brain wakes you up by saying You commited the API keys to a public repo
    Source: Naina Chaturvedi

  139. Still love you though, StackOverflow
  140. Now THAT is impressive
  141. Worlds strongest man contest. Last guy says 'I don't use Google when coding'
    Source: Naina Chaturvedi

  142. If it works, it works!
  143. Half of the horse is drawn nicely and that is the parts copied from Stack Overflow. The rest of the horse looks like it was drawn by a child and that most of the code but it works.
    Source: Naina Chaturvedi

  144. I AM ROOT!!
  145. user$ rm somefile. rm:somefile: Permission denied. user$ sudoe rm somefile. Groot saying I AM ROOT!
    Source: Naina Chaturvedi

  146. The REAL Database
  147. Excel spreadsheet is the perfect and real database
    Source: Love Spreadsheets

  148. We all start somewhere
  149. Excel saying I rasied that boy to me doing some actual programming
    Source: Love Spreadsheets

  150. At least I'm popular somewhere
  151. As a programmer you get 0 notfications on FaceBook but so many on LinkedIn from recruiters
    Source: Pinterest

  152. I'm so smart
  153. Me: I am good in C lanauge. Interviwer: Then write 'Hello World' using C. Me: Hello World written with the letter C
    Source: Pinterest

  154. Always the odd one out
  155. Family photo where everyone looks normal and that represents Objective C, PHP, Lisp, Java, C, C#. But JavaScript is dressed in grunge being the odd one out
    Source: Pinterest

  156. Maybe THIS time it will work
  157. Getting errors compling and meanwhile in the complier they are recompling the same code over and over
    Source: Pinterest

  158. Sigh... now I have to deal with the REAL issue
  159. When you find the small bug when debugging but that leads to a real problem. Represented by a big monster/bug
    Source: CHEEZburger

  160. brb time to kms
  161. Meme of a kid crying and holding a gun and the title is 'When your IDE crashes, you didn't save shit and you have to kill the process'
    Source: r/ProgrammerHumor

  162. C'mon man!
  163. Trump and Biden debate. Me:*declares a varilable x*, my IDE(Trump):field x is never used. Me: Will you shut up man
    Source: r/ProgrammerHumor

  164. Don't mess with my bf
  165. Don't mess with me. My boyfriend is a programmer, he'll hack your world into oblivion. The boyfriend: googling how to declare variables in HTML
    Source: r/ProgrammerHumor

  166. Big data is like teenage sex...
  167. Big data is like teenage sex, everyone talks about it. Nobody really knows how to do it. Everyone thinks everyone else is doing it. So, everyone claims they are doing it.
    Source: Naveen DA

  168. The worst feeling ever
  169. Tweet that says 'My biggest fear is that I'll one day run into a problem that hasn't been solved on StackOverflow and I'll ahve to restart my project with a different technology'
    Source: Naveen DA

  170. Virgin vs Chad
  171. Virign classic developer vs the chad linux dev meme
    Source: CHEEZburger

  172. Bye bye Baby
  173. Baby's first word is 'Arrays start at 1' and the next panel is Baby found in Dumpster
    Source: CHEEZburger

  174. Sometimes you need that extra reassurance
  175. Code comments be like: Stop sign and sign under that has this is a stop sign
    Source: The Coderpedia

  176. As long as it works
  177. Resturant's sign is 'Dolores Resturant' but the parts that the light are on is 'res' and 'taurant'. Caption is When your program's a mess but everything works out in the end
    Source: The Coderpedia

  178. The truth hurts
  179. Guy roasting interent explorer saying its slowest browser. IE replies saying still faster than your crush's reply
    Source: The Coderpedia

  180. bro... <3
  181. Java to semi colon having a romantic bro moment because that is my life withou you bro
    Source: The Coderpedia

  182. As long as it looks pretty
  183. Front end is represented by guy posing in front of airplane window. But backend shows that he took a toilet seat and put up the image on his laptop
    Source: The Coderpedia

  184. Copy & paste is the most important commands to know
  185. Stackvoerflow user trying to explain me what I did wrong. Me: Just give me a cody to copy/paste
    Source: The Coderpedia

  186. Oh, sureee it's done
  187. When you have to fix 3 pending bugs before leaving for the weeknd
    Source: Lokajit Tikayatray

  188. I wonder what my online footprint would say about me
  189. Dilbert made an app that evelautes cadinates based on their online footprint and describes a guy that has no friends, family or hobies and just codes all day and realizes he is taking about himself
    Source: DILBERT by Scott Adams

  190. A little poem
  191. Poem goes 99 little bugs in the code, take one down, patch it around, 127 little bugs in the code
    Source: Lokajit Tikayatray

  192. Thank you, StackOverflow
  193. Me writing great code but StackOverflow is supporting that
    Source: Lokajit Tikayatray

  194. You really wouldn't understand
  195. Dilbert spent 3 days setting up the programming environment and his coworker wouldnt understnad
    Source: DILBERT by Scott Adams

  196. It's okay to fail
  197. Junior Dev telling Senior Dev that he doesnt know what he did wrong. Senior dev saysing that sometimes you just fail
    Source: r/ProgrammerHumor

  198. Still love you, Docker
  199. When you get a fast new computer but docker is using 80% of the system resocures
    Source: @sigsegmeme

  200. So accurate
  201. meme that features  Fring from Breaking Bad. He is laughing while replying to posts in r/ProgrammerHumor but super serious when replying to questions in stackoverflow
    Source: r/ProgrammerHumor